Donnie Iris - Back On The Streets The title track playing at A&A Records in Weyburn where I grew up - bought it right away even though there was a dude in his underwear on the cover. Still play it once a month or so. Okra Records Sampler Pete from Shake records in Ottawa played it every time I went in the store - the nasal vocals would make the hair on my arms stand up - I did not like it at all. After the fourth or fifth visit I knew all the songs and asked what it was. Peter laughed and told me he'd been messing with my head until I came around - I bought everything on Okra I could get. Then when I moved back to Regina - my friend who owns the indie store here had become an Okra fan too - he was told by the distributor that he'd sold more copies of The Fellow Travellers than any other store in North America. The power of the little guy one-on-one! -- Lee Elliott