This is possibly a bit off-topic, but I can't think of a better place to go... I'm working on a personal project that involves going through a bunch of old cassettes I recorded when I was a kid. I'm obsessive enough to want to identify everything I can that's on these old tapes. Right now I'm listening to a tape that I've dated to 1974. There are several snippets of music that I haven't been able to identify, so I thought maybe I'd let the encyclopedic knowledge of this group take a crack. Some are probably easy, others are long shots, but I figured it was worth a try. The first was probably taped from a 45 single. It sounds familiar to me and may not be obscure at all, but I don't know the song and haven't had any success Googling the lyrics: The second one is from the radio, evidently another pop song. (Or maybe it's a commercial for a travel agency!) The third one is a piano-based instrumental cover of Ray Stevens's "Everything Is Beautiful." But it's *not* Floyd Cramer's version. I remember that this was on a 45 single, but I don't remember the artist; it may well be a no-name easy-listening cover, but I don't know. My recording is nearly complete (and is a nice demonstration of "wow and flutter" for those who don't remember those days): The last one is a real long shot, some kind of honky-tonk piano instrumental: Anybody got any clues? Thanks! Robert Berry