Does anyone else think that Keith Urban's second song on SNL last night, a big hit called "Once In A Lifetime", had a killer, almost Cheap Trick-like, power pop hook in the chorus. What do we know about his past? I have a feeling that before country music, and I wonder if he's really all that country - bar the twang in his voice and the Vince Gill-ish tele in his hands, he may have been once in a power pop band. Or at least a melodic rock group. Vocally, Urban reminds of the Canadian singer Jim Cuddy, from Toronto's Blue Rodeo, with a touch of the BJ Thomas in his voice, but obvious pop leanings. (perhaps on the down under tip, he's got shades of Rick Springfield in his love of Americanized dialect when he sings). He should leave that Nashville CMT type stuff, and go directly to Nash Vegas, hang out with Billy Lloyd and Bill DeMain, or Gregg Alexander from New Radicals, and make a big joyful pwr pop noise. That's all for now. Paul. (intensely curious about the new Crowded House, by the way!)