At Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 08:16:05 Hersh wrote: >"Travels With My Amp" by Greg Godovitz (Fludd, Goddo, Carpet Frogs/Anger >Brothers)....extremely highly recommended. It will obviously have more >appeal to those that lived through or are aware of the 70's/80's Canadian >rock scene, but you don't have to be Canadian to enjoy it. > >Jaimie, is Greg working on a sequel? He got about 100 pages into the sequel and decided that not only was he bored with his own antics but felt everyone else would be too. One book filled with gratuitous sex, drugs & rock and roll road stories is fine....but he felt he'd just be repeating himself. However, the first book ends in 1983 with the demise of Goddo. I think if Greg did it properly and focused on the phoenix-like come back of Goddo not once, but twice (in 1989 and in 2001 respectively), the Carpet Frogs and the edgy rise and fall of the Anger Brothers it would be a more palpable cautionery tale than the first book was. In other words, write it from an industry/artist's perspective rather than as a rock star -- which is how the first one was presented. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records SWAG: BULLSEYE LIVE 365 RADIO: Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia _________________________________________________________________