Revolution In The Head is an amazing book, Ian MacDonald has a collection of his magazine pieces called The People's Music that is also very good although I find myself disagreeing with a lot of his opinions. He basically believed that there was nothing new worth bothering with after about 1970. However I always enjoyed his reviews in Uncut magazine. I almost always disagreed with what he wrote but I was just pleased that he was a music writer who could actually elicit some kind of reaction from me, good or bad. His 2 stars out of 5 review of The Zombies box set particularly stuck in my craw. Johnny Rogan's books are worth keeping an eye out for although they may not all be in print. The Severed Alliance about The Smiths is excellent (Morrissey wished that Rogan would die in a motorway pile up so he must have been doing something right). He also has good books on The Kinks, 60's rock managers and an exhaustive tome on The Byrds amongst others. Mark