I listened to it in the car a couple of times today. It's ok, but I have to say there is more of a Scissor Sisters camp-ness to it, rather than the Queen/Freddie-ness I was hoping for. >From: ArthurBang2@aol.com >Reply-To: audities@smoe.org >To: audities@smoe.org >Subject: Mika (was Re: Mix Tape) >Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 10:09:39 EST > > >I'm lovin' the Mika disc. I didn't think I would like it at first, but >now >I've listened to it more than any other CD in recent memory. I actually >like >some of the other songs better than "Grace Kelly" (even though THAT's the >song I had stuck in my head all day yesterday!). My favorite songs are >"Billy >Brown", "Love Today" and "Lollipop" > >Arthur > > > > Bought the new album by Mika for my wife yesterday - not bad, but I >don't > > think anything else has the immediate catchiness of the single "Grace > > Kelly". > > >