> JOURNEYS TO GLORY, DIAMOND, TRUE, from '81, '82 and '83 respectively. Some great singles there, but also some seriously dodgy album tracks. > The early Spandau singles that did it for me were "To Cut A Long Story Short" (which has this great nagging, distorted keyoard riff and doesn't sound a thing like what one expects Spandau Ballet to sound like) and "Instinction." Thanks Stewart - I see that "To Cut a Long Story Short" is on the Journeys to Glory album. May have to add that to my want (LaLa) list... > Off of the big breakthrough album TRUE, I will put "Lifeline" up against any chart-pop single of its era. Never did understand why they didn't reissue that in the states after "True" became a hit, because I'm positive it would have at least hit the Top 20. Agreed - that's a great pop tune! I also dug "Communication." > The first Nena LP was a terrific confection. I always liked the fact that the A-side was in English and the B-side was in German. "Just A Dream," off that LP was another terrific track, as was "Kino." Thanks John - I've never heard any other Nena tunes, so I'm now curious to hear these. > Except the English version is sung phonetically and lacks the poetry of the German syntax. Well at least it rhymes nicely! And I like her phrasing on the English vocals (like when she sings "call the troops out, in a hurry"). BTW, I have nothing against German vocals, as I *far* prefer the original "Der Komissar" by Falco (off the fine Einzelhaft album), and have always found the English version by After the Fire to be pretty atrocious. > Prince delivered the best half time show ever. The man is truly amazing. I missed it, so I'm very grateful for YouTube! Awesome performance. The marching band cracked me up... > Has anyone caught his Vegas show? I'm heading to Vegas in September, and hope he's still doing gigs at the Rio when I get there! I caught the last (Musicology) tour in D.C., and it was just great. Be seeing you, Bill np: The Clash - Groovy Times (great production, acoustic guitars!)