> That's cool, but on the other hand, I think calling something a > guilty pleasure just means you don't have the balls to come right > out and say you like something because you're afraid the Kool Kidz > are gonna mock you. And personally, I say screw that: if I like > Justin Timberlake -- and I do -- then I'll say so, unapologetically. > > S Gotta second Mr. Mason on this one. This is a neat parlour game. But you either like something or you don't. Filing it under "guilty pleasures" is just an exercise in intellectual rationalization. In my record collection, you'll find, for instance: Fever by Kylie Minogue: It was the soundtrack to my honeymoon in Hawaii. Perfect beach music. And I'm never gonna' apologize for liking it. The first three Spandau Ballet records: They made perfect fake disco records before they lost the plot. Ditto for Visage and most of the New Romantic bands. Not gonna apologize just 'cos they wore frilly shirts. Nena's 99 Luftballoons: What is it about the Europeans and their skill at making excellent disposable pop? Ditto for the Swedes. I always figured it was because they spent half the year in darkness and needed something to lighten their days. And yeah, that second Justin Timberlake single "Rock With You," I think? It sounds like it was put together by a bunch of synth-playing fashion designers. I defy you not to shake your ass when it comes on the radio. Just a few thoughts. john micek ps: I take a size 42 regular brickbat for those of you waiting to throw 'em.