> Since this is a forum, the obvious retort would be "well, why don't > you make more posts about the music you are interested in?" And, this > is an excellent point, except that some people are probably scared of > the (witty?) sarcasm that we have seen exorcised time and time again.. The sarcasm doesn't seem to stop you from popping up now and again to sell your used CDs here, Rick, so I would hope that it doesn't scare you from posting about the bands you like that make the music. So answer that question for yourself...are YOU scared? As for the others...well, each has to decide on their own. And I know some people are put off by the sarcasm and the spats, but why someone would want to stay on a list where they weren't interested in the topics _and_ were afraid to participate is beyond me. It's a big Internet out there. If you (not YOU Rick, but "you" in general...although that *might* include you) are not ever posting...what are you bringing to the table to make the list better? No, it doesn't all have to be confrontational. I see plenty of "check these guys out " messages and usually, I do. I *love* to read posts about new bands and if/when I have time I'd like to post more emails like that myself. I was hoping the "best of 2006" lists would spark more discussion about WHY people chose the bands they did. There's a lot of new music out there that's GREAT...and when I finally settle the rest of my list I will post mine with comments in the hope that it starts the ball rolling about ANY of them. But when you have bands that have made an indelible mark and whose songs continue to resonate and inspire new artists, you're going to see the names Beatles, Kinks, Stones, etc. a lot. Frankly the industry is so different now that a band may never have that kind of lasting global impact again. But that's a problem for 2037 or 2047 listgroups, not this one. cheers b