Hi Beth, Actually Anna posted on this topic, so I bought my copy of the Feb. 2007 issue of Spin to see for myself. I could not find an on-line link, and wouldn't expect one cause Spin would want us to shell out our moolah. It is actually an article about Robbie Rist and his devotion to powerpop. But the author has plenty of space (like six pages!) so she also interviewed David Bash, Bruce Brodeen and some of the other people who work so hard to keep the music alive, and gives a pretty fair reflection of IPO and the L.A. power pop scene. All the old negatives are there in the article, those who remember J.R. Taylor's article in the New York Press will remember how he belittled the scene, but there is a lack of nastiness, and an admiration for Robbie, his drive and musicianship. My fave part of the article is the last paragraph, which optimistically speaks of power pop getting popular, and discusses the well attended Roger Manning IPO appearance. But don't miss page twelve's picture of a half-naked Nice Guy Eddie. Hot guys and a hot babe! lol Oh, I decided not to respond further about ageism for two reasons 1. I had my say and Jason responded, what purpose would there be to have a further public debate when several list members already have complained about the proliferation of off-topic posts this week? and 2. Splitsville Rob told me not to and I always follow his advice . See ya, Sherman