No, the problem is that when someone states an opinion that you either disagree with, or you don't see it from their point of view, you're then automatically branded some kind of '-ist'. Obviously, because I and one or two others didn't really like the librarian look, we're sexist. I never liked some of Prince's looks, or his over the top ego, but does that make me racist? Regardless of how idiotic he acts sometimes, it doesn't change my opinion of him, that he's ridiculously talented and one of the greatest musicians ever. I'm saddened by the fact that Aretha Franklin has let herself get morbidy obese and looks like she's going to drop dead of cardiac arrest at any moment or lose body parts to something like diabetes. Am I now racist? And sexist? And uhhh...weight-ist? I still think her voice is the equivalent of an American monument that should be placed on the Washington Mall. In the early 80's I absolutely HATED Pete Townshend's 'new Romantic' haircuts and drug fueled behavior. And his pony tail on the 1989 Tommy tour made him look absolutely daft. Am I now an Anglophobe? I'd still crawl through mud to touch the cuff of his pants, lousy haircut or not. He's still me absolute effing hero. Paula came out painting with a very wide brush, which I thought was a bit severe. If you check out her site, one of her causes is 'Women in Rock', which is great, more power to you, and it's admirable when people find a passion within themselves and act on it. But don't act as if people are troglodytes if they don't agree with you or see things from your point of view. (As two a couple of the vitrolic posts- yes, they were foolish, unnecessary and not constructive. C'mon Lads, you can do better.) If you come out with an axe to grind and looking for an argument, you'll usually get it. Rob NP: Motley Crue, 'Girls, Girls, Girls' (joke) >----- ------- Original Message ------- ----- >From: >To: >Sent: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 -0500 (GMT-05:00) 19:56:50 > >so, this woman who actually MAKES insanely great >pop starts posting to a list for insanenly great >pop, and all anyone can do is bicker with her about >her not exactly startling observation that men like >to ogle female artists and sometimes make them >uncomfortable in doing so? why not accept the fact >that she's a woman who's actually experienced this, >and take her just a little bit seriously? and maybe >start talking about music with her? > >for the record, my band has played with paula's, >and we all think she's the bees knees. she IS >beautiful, for what it's worth, but what matters is >she knows how to carry herself, and she's a great >performer because of THAT. not to mention that she >writes great songs (which sometimes evoke >bacharach/david) and she sings and plays them damn >well. > >matty