Here's some more info: "I listened to that message so many times, and I played it for almost everybody. We were in the studio one night, and that's where I played it on the speaker phone, and Caleb's like, "oh, let's record that." So he records it, and then we had hours of jams that we'd been doing, so we just put 30 seconds of our best moment on there." - Ben Folds "Ben's in LA, and his dad calls him up and leaves him this message on his voicemail. His dad's just waking up, too early in the morning for him to know even what he's talking about. And I think he's still, like caught in a dream, and he's thinking about John Glenn, and he's probably worrying about his son's health at the same time. Wondering if Ben's going crazy, you know. So he just kind of drops this funny idea in about being in space and losing your body mass and your most valuable possession becomes your mind." - Robert Sledge In a message dated 1/31/2007 2:14:15 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes: For once, I'm thrilled to be wrong. And laying the message on top of a smoky, Barry White style groove is nothing less than genius