Hiya, folks. I'll try to keep it brief this time. The new DSL line for Westcott Radio was installed this week; we are still sorting out hosting issues (Live365 is a strong possibility, but not yet definite), but things are moving forward, and we hope to resume our webcast in February. Response to our groveling-for-dollars pitch to save This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio was incredible and touching; we have the best supporters a little mutant radio show could ever hope to have. Our thanks to every one of you contributed in any way, and our further thanks to Jeremy Morris and JAM Recordings, Kool Kat Musik, Not Lame, Mint Records, Laughing Outlaw Records, Rhythm Barrel Records, Dan Pavelich, Steve Barton, Jim Babjak, Anny Celsi, Bart Mendoza, The Rock And Roll Report (www.rockandrollreport.com) and Mike McDowell (www.blitzmag.blogspot.com) for providing incentives and spreading trhe word. JAM Records has already begun sending out the generous thank-you packages to those who've made a donation, and the remainder of the thank-you gifts will be mailed in February. For those who would still like to make a contribution, this is the LAST CALL to qualify for incentives. Checks must be made out to Westcott Community Center, marked "Targeted Donation: Webcast," and mailed to Carl Cafarelli, 5540 Taormina Drive, Clay, NY 13041. Your donation remains TAX-DEDUCTIBLE. Our new incarnation is not set up for PayPal; if you wanna use PayPal anyway, I'll welcome it at my account, but your donation would not be tax-deductible in that case. If you have any questions, or if you need a run-down of the thank-you incentives, all's ya gotta do is ask. This ain't no SPAM, so let me know if you need to be deleted from these e-mail greetings. (Those receiving this message only via the Audities list need not take any action, as this will be my last extended TIRnRR message on Audities for the forseeable.) Thanks again, and we hope to return very soon with another exciting episode of The Best Three Hours Of Radio On The Whole Friggin' Planet. Cheers, CC!