Shortly after his first album came out. I went to see Marshall Crenshaw at The Fast Lane in Asbury Park. Arrived stupidly early so I could be right up front, and not long after, the line filled up with Jersey girls with high hair and spandex. Turns out the opener was some local band - Jon Bongiovi and the Wild Tygers. Girls rushed the stage and went NUTS during what I thought was one of the worst warm up bands I'd ever seen (and I'd seen lots of bad ones). Of course, they all vacated as soon as Marshall, a bonafide pop genius -- in glasses, natch -- came on. Marshall got the Rolling Stone ink and cred at the time, but Bon Jovi got the girls and dough shortly after. It's not just a she thing. Bryan wrote: > it does seem that there are more often threads about > women musicians that end up being more about the looks > than the music - Let me ask you this: is it not the same when guy musicians are singled out for their looks? I'm just playing devil's advocate a bit here, but I sometimes see the same sort of feedback when it's women posting about men musicians. Of course, you're just talking about threads on Audities, not our culture in general, but I'm just's a two-way street, ain't it? Bryan --------------------------------- Want to start your own business? Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business.