----- Original Message ----- From: "floatingunder" > Anyway, putting my ignorance on full display once again... He had > one > of those musical gizmo things at his feet that he would step on(what > are they called?). He would pound out the beat on his guitar, and > record it and then loop it into the song. A few times he did the > same > thing with his voice to create a multiple layer of vocals. It was > really nice. Normally, I prefer the real thing but I rather enjoyed > watching him quickly create the background sound for his songs. I > have > not seen this before but I'm sure it must not be that unique? The Scottish singer KT Tunstall does this too. Whenever she played her big hit from last year, "Black Horse and the Cherry Tree," on television, she would start by programming all the loops in about 30 seconds and then singing the song over them. It's a neat effect, espcially for old King Crimson fans -- who knew that 30 years later, the idea behind Frippertronics would be the basis of a pop hit! S