OK, most likely you've not heard of Jeremy Messersmith. So, that's why I thought I'd post this. Last night I went to this show that is getting some great press here in Mpls. It combines a faux radio like experience with live music (no not THAT guy's show). Anyway, the show was alright but the music was really nice. Yes, that was Jeremy Messersmith. This is for fan's of Elliott Smith to check out and it's on emusic. His voice evokes that kind of sound. Some of his lyrics kind of clunk to me but still it could be worth your checking out. Anyway, putting my ignorance on full display once again... He had one of those musical gizmo things at his feet that he would step on(what are they called?). He would pound out the beat on his guitar, and record it and then loop it into the song. A few times he did the same thing with his voice to create a multiple layer of vocals. It was really nice. Normally, I prefer the real thing but I rather enjoyed watching him quickly create the background sound for his songs. I have not seen this before but I'm sure it must not be that unique? I mean I recall see The Fall for one and Mark Smith would turn it on but it was all prerecorded. Anyway, it's on emusic..."easy lovers hardly friends" or maybe "old skin" might be the place I'd suggest starting with, if your interested. Below is a City Pages review I found. best, Steve D. http://citypages.com/databank/27/1343/article14669.asp