Paula writes, "This just depresses me. I take great pride in the music I make, and to have either a) someone not buy my records because I'm not hot enough, or b) have someone only buy my records solely because they think I'm hot, not because they like what I do, would be increcdibly demeaning." I've seen you perform a few times, and you have to admit you have not protested this point too strongly. You could have walked on stage in street clothes, with breakfast stains and bed head. Instead, you really took pride in your appearance, wore beautiful clothing. I don't think you wore glasses then, but I will never forget the pocketbook. It was so stylish, with a retro look. This tells me you realize that being in the entertainment business is different than being say, an accountant. You know that looks are important, and you bought into this conventional wisdom. And I think that the male artists realize this point too. There's a reason why it's difficult for older guys in the music business - youthful looks are important. I bought your records, and would buy them if you looked like Phyllis Diller, but I am a serious music fan, and not representative of the public. See ya, Sherman