Thought I'd chime in - I love Tape Op, great, great mag. May be a bit on the techie side for non-recordists but there's usually always something in there that will interest the general music fan. Plus you can't beat the price. As for the new America record, I just heard it. It's pretty cool, although maybe a little bland in places. I really like the lead off track. Don't know what recent America records sound like but I assume this disc is an improvement. Adam/James did a fairly simple/tasteful production on the whole affair, staying out of the way of the tunes, just letting them breath. Unfortunately, the track I submitted to Adam for the project didn't make the record but he told me the America guys actually liked it well enough (not enough I guess though :-) Mike V from Candy Butchers sent me a track he wrote with Hanson for this project as well; it was cool but unfortunately it didn't make the album either. Probably could make a pretty good album from the tracks that didn't make the cut. Might have posted this here before but if anybody's interested in hearing my demo, here it is - After hearing the proper record, I think the song would have fit in pretty well (if I don't say so myself :-) -Mark __________________________________________ Mark Bacino I The Queens English Recording Co.