On Wed, January 24, 2007 12:52 pm, rob@splitsville.com wrote: >>First off- >>To whomever said they didn't like Kay Hanley's >>"geeky glasses" and >>wondered whether she was trying to look like Lisa >>Loeb > > Yep, that was me. If she was a guy and wearing granny specs I'd wonder if > (s)he was looking like an unhip John Lennon. Real dark glasses? I would > have mentioned Roy Orbison. > It's a fashion comparison, not a value judgement. Nor was music compared > at any time. No one was putting down female musicians or women in general. When did I say it was a value judgment? It's just annoying to be compared to someone based on one fashion accesory...and I will stand by my belief that women musicians get "looks" comparisons far more than men do. If you don't think this is true...well, you're just wrong. > > I have the feeling, however, that if I was making value judgments about > "hot babes" and other well known music tarts we would have heard a peep > out of you. > Stop being so thin-skinned. > I'm not sure I understand the above statement. Did you mean to say you "wouldn't have heard a peep out of me?" In any case, I take umbrage to being called "thin-skinned" for merely stating my opinion. >>This just depresses me. > Yikes- it's a big, bad world out there, and you're in for a long haul. > There are lots of really depressing things out there. I'll opt to overlook your condescending tone here and just say that it's NOT trivial that these thing depress me as this is what I do for my life. Sure, there are murders and wars and no end of big bad things in the big bad world. Doesn't mean things in my subjective world shouldn't have an effect on me. It's what I know, its' what I live. PK > > >>----- ------- Original Message ------- ----- >>From: :audities@smoe.org >>To: audities@smoe.org >>Sent: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 -0800 (PST) 11:38:20 >> >>I take exception to this thread. >> >>First off- >>To whomever said they didn't like Kay Hanley's >>"geeky glasses" and >>wondered whether she was trying to look like Lisa >>Loeb: >> >>Being a female musician who also happens to wear >>glases, I can't tell you >>how many times I've gotten the Loeb comparison >>simply based on my >>spectacles. Our music is nothing alike. I'm also a >>friend of Kay's. Both >>she and I wear glasses because we need corrective >>lenses, not because we >>want to look like another person who wears glasses. >> >> >>And to the person who says he only buys Lia Loeb's >>records to look at her, >>not because he likes the music: >> >>This just depresses me. I take great pride in the >>music I make, and to >>have either a) someone not buy my records because >>I'm not hot enough, or >>b) have someone only buy my records solely because >>they think I'm hot, not >>because they like what I do, would be increcdibly >>demeaning. >> >>This just proves that, still, women are not always >>taken seriously as >>musicians. Looks are still such an important >>factor, and it's really >>unfortunate. I wonder how many people heard "A Girl >>Called Eddy"'s album >>last year. Or Sam Philips'. These women don't >>market their looks. THey >>don't need to, they're both incredibly talented. >>The catch 22- perhaps >>because they chose not to market themselves as "hot >>babes" they're not as >>commercially succesful as they should be. >> >>I'm not Lisa Loeb...perhaps she is fine with >>this...but I just couldn't >>keep my "mouth" shut about it. >> >>Sincerely, >> >>Paula A. Kelley >