----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Bennett" > 1. It's good to read your take on the Sarah Shannon. Copacetic by > Velocity Girl is a shimmering slab of pop and her singing is > amazing. Their debut was pretty good and the follow up was a bit > too slick. So maybe this solo plate will finally be a true follow > up to Copacetic. It doesn't really sound ANYTHING like Velocity Girl -- none of Archie Moore's shoegazery guitars, and the tempos are on the slow side -- but it's a big step up from both the final VG record (which had a great single and was otherwise forgettable) and her first solo record (which was just plain forgettable), and she sounds great throughout. > > 2. Stewart, if you're ever in Chicago, Patricia Barber performs > often in her hometown. She used to do a regular turn at The Green > Mill. The picture they always used in their ads made her look > somewhat like Boy George wearing librarian glasses (as opposed to > Lisa Loeb). Actually, Patricia Barber is a dead ringer for a woman I dated briefly in college, who was not in fact a librarian but an adjunct English professor...although not one of mine, I hasten to add. It wasn't *that* scandalous. S