Unfortunately, the last time I saw Joey (about a year ago) it was heartbreaking to witness. His whole show reeked of bad Las Vegas bar-band/bowling alley stuff...misguided 12 bar "boogie", etc. Not a shred of Badfinger genius. I was really sad, because rather than recognizing the value of his past glory and true contribution to power pop, he cluelessly played "new" material showcasing MOR Adult Contemporary pap. Lame to the extreme. And his backing band was a group of embarrassing guys in Hawaiian shirts with beards and mullets...kinda like Mike Love's current Beach Boys abomination. Please understand, I'm not dissing anyone who looks a certain way...but Joey Molland (who's still got a cool look and great personal vibe) should do better. Someone needs to rescue this cat, get him a band that knows what Power Pop music is, and turn him around. Quoting Lee Elliott : > Our community radio station is sponsering Joey's Badfinger at the > casino next week or so .... got a free pass for it ... I'm going 'no > matter what' - haha - but wondered if anyone has seen him. > > The guy doesn't seem to get much love for the historical reasons - but > does he put on a good show? > > -- > Lee Elliott >