I don't see much of a problem with Joe cutting to the chase. Sometimes the best thing in the world is being told by a label/magazine/radio station, etc, to 'Fuck off'. Then at least you can move on and remove them from your consideration set. Your time is no longer wasted, and the other party stops getting contacted by an annoying suitor. Still, the second half of that is a bit odd when read in that blogger context. I've dealt with Joe a few times on Splitsville-related stuff and he's never been anything but honest and up front, not to mention a friendly and helpful guy. I know he reads Audities...Joe, you out there? Care to defend? >----- ------- Original Message ------- ----- >From: >:president@bullseyecanada.comReply-To:audities@smoe >.org >To: audities@smoe.org >Sent: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 23:45:51 > >AT Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 20:13:30 John wrote: > >>... about this: >> >>http://idolator.com/tunes/magazines/littleknown-mu >sic-magazine- >>attempts-bigtime-adsales-scheme-229421.php >> >>Some odd doings at Amplifier ... if true. > >Joe could use a few lessons in being more >underhanded and sneaky (all >exceptional industry weasal traits) rather than >actually coming right out >and cutting to the chase. Know of a good "Industry >Weasals 101: Bluffing And >Lying To Get Ahead In The Music Biz" course? > >Anyone who has ever thought the magazine/newspaper >business does NOT work >like this is naive. > >They review our CDs. We advertise in their >magazine. We sell product. It's a >pretty cut-and-dry equation. > >It's the devil you know... > >Jaimie Vernon, >Bullseye > >___________________________________________________ >______________ >Windows Live Spaces: share your New Year pictures! > >http://discoverspaces.live.com/?loc=en-CA