Not Power Pop, but I use Run by New Order (from Technique). Starts with the line "Answer Me, Why Won't You Answer Me? Sad, but true. >From: Bob Hutton >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Mobile Phone Ringtones >Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 22:17:24 +0000 > >Apologies in advance to those who think phones should only go >'driiiing-driiiing' or 'chrrrp-chrrrp' but, yeah, I too have been pathetic >and tried various songs as ringtones. > >My first phone, I very basic Philips model, only had a monophonic output >but curiously also had a facility where you could "compose" your own >ringtone (with notes on a little mini stave, no less). I spent ages keying >in the brass riff from 'This Is Rock And Roll Radio' by The Ramones. It >was monophonic, but boy was I pleased with myself when I got the first call >and that tune played! > >Now I have a fancy Sony phone that lets you use real mp3 ringtones. Choice >is critical if you want to hear the phone ringing before the called has >hung up. I've had 'Hanging On The Telephone' and 'Blitzkreig Bop' but my >favourites have been 'God Save The Queen' by Sex Pistols(that power-guitar >intro!) and absolute tops for immediacy, 'Radio Radio' by Elvis Costello >.... loud, instant and shrill ... many's a time it has tormented my >workmates. > >