To be honest, I usually loathe compiling lists, but the beauty of iTunes is that I can easily see what I have been listening to frequently for the past year. So here is my 2006 best of. Hopefully, all of these were released in 2006. 1. Gnarls Barkley: St. Elsewhere 2. Beretta76: Black Beauty 2. Neko Case: Fox Confessor Brings the Flood 4. Cheap Trick: Rockford 5. The Pipettes: We Are the Pipettes 6. L.E.O.: Alpacas Orgling 7. Artic Monkeys: Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not 8. Easy All Stars: Radiodread 9. The Bel Rays: Have A Little Faith In Me 10. Elefant: The Black Magic Show 11. Scissor Sisters: Ta-Dah 12. Elton John: The Captain and The Kid 13. The Lovemakers: Times of Romance 14. Pernice Brothers: Live a Little 15. Randy and the Bloody Lovelies: Lift 16. The Rapture: Pieces of the People We Love 17. Rosanne Cash: Black Cadillac 18. Matthew Sweet and Susannah Hoffs: Under the Covers, Volume 1 19. Hot Chip: The Warning 20. Trolleyvox: The Trolleyvox Present The Karoke Meltdowns Mark E.