> What specific songs are essential off these I mention? I love the > classic 60's Kink's sound (duh) and understand in general, their work > gets a bit more "iffy" after that in comparison (rock operas and > such). You say "you understand" that things got iffy - this is someone advising you? Fire them. God Save The Kinks. I love what they did in the 70s and 80s...but if the 60s single sounds are your limit I'd say stick to something like "Better Things" from GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT. That's also the album that "Come Dancing" was on - I suspect you are referencing the greatest hits collection? If so both songs are on that one, along with "Good Day" (see below) and others. SCHOOLBOYS is brilliant, perfect for the arena rock guitar hero that Dave had become; an era recaptured with LOW BUDGET...both albums have killer rockers and the great wry lyrics you'd expect from RDD. I also love the conceptual PRESERVATION and SOAP OPERA, which have some great songs ("Ducks On The Wall", "Slum Kids", "Mirror Of Love", etc.) that are great alone but better in context. But all of these are not like the 60s stuff. WORD OF MOUTH was a mid 80s return to the SCHOOLBOYS/LOW BUDGET sound...maybe "Summers Gone" and "Good Day" off that? I love the manic "Sold Me Out" but "Do It Again" was the hit (and an ironic title since it's the same riff from YRGM and ADAAOTN). If you like SLEEPWALKER you'll probably like MISFITS, two peas from the same pod. Not my favorites but still good. I don't eMusic so I can't advise on bang for your track cost but I also can't think of a Kinks album that isn't worth owning. Even the lesser lights have great nuggets on them, and they have several that are truly great (you already have MUSWELL HILLBILLIES, which is in the latter group). Happy hunting! cheers b