I'm in a strange place where my buying and my collecting are concerned. Like Stewart, I've been relying more and more on my computer as my jukebox. In this case streaming audio from various Live365 stations, Iceberg Radio, etc. A diversity of old vs. new material so I'm not a total Luddite when it comes to talking to my 12 year daughter about My Chemical Romance or Panic At The Disco. I still buy CDs when it's an artist I've been anticipating a new release from (Elton's "Captain & The Kid" f'rinstance). I can honestly say that except for Green Day's "American Idiot" I don't think I've bought "new" music in 5 years. Not to say I don't have a lot of new music, but a LOT of it is sent to from other friends at other labels showing off their wares. That's for my international tastes. As a collector, I'm still taking in hundreds of pieces of VINYL a year to add to my exclusively all Canadian music collection; I have less than 100 albums from a vast collection of music I acquired beginning in my teens but because nearly ALL of it is available on CD I've culled the vinyl itself. Some of my collection of 4000 Canadian records is to satisfy my completist geekdom and some of it is because, in many respects, it dovetails with the job I do as an archivist/re-issues label and writer of the Canadian Music Encyclopedia. Believe me....if 90% of these albums were on CD, I'd sell of this vinyl too...and continue listening online. What percentage of my collection will I actually listen to in the next 5 years? Probably 30%. The remainder is collecting dust and waiting to be catalogued for strictly achedemic reasons. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records http://www.bullseyecanada.com SWAG: http://www.cafepress.com/bullseyecanada BULLSEYE LIVE 365 RADIO: http://www.live365.com/stations/bullseyerecords Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia http://jam.canoe.ca/Music/Pop_Encyclopedia/ http://www.myspace.com/jaimievernonsmovingtargetz _________________________________________________________________ Buy what you want when you want it on Sympatico / MSN Shopping http://shopping.sympatico.msn.ca/content/shp/?ctId=2,ptnrid=176,ptnrdata=081805