Just something I've been thinking about. A) What percentage of your CD's or music collection will you NOT listen to again in the next 5 years but you hold onto them? B) What percentage will you NEVER listen to again but you hold onto them? C) What does that mean to you if anything? I'm not trying to be cheeky but I get in this mini-dilema of the joy of new discoveries (or getting as much as I can of an artist I love) vs feeling like a piggy, compulsive, hoarder. I have about 1,000 discs which seems like a ton to most people who don't share this same passion. I know on this list that's probably a low number. I guess it's the age old question of passion verses obsession and the point of it all(for me). Again, I know some people are more "collectors" and this might not even be something they relate to at all. Fer instance, on the other side of this. I have a friend that is very into music but he's always been very clear about it, to the point it's almost annoying. :) He'll like someone and get a few things and say "that's all I need". I'll say but John have you heard this one by him...He'll say, "no thanks but if I'm in the mood for him, I have 3 discs by him already. I don't need any more". Me: A) 30 % B) 2-3 % (assuming I live awhile):I C) above and in process. Steve D