Not much power pop showing up on my list this year. Guess only Jon Auer, L.E.O. and the excellent EP by Two Hours Traffic did it for me. Hopefully, '07 will be good to me PP wise. If The Katies finally releases their second album it may just be. 1. Mute Math (Mute Math) 2. People In Planes (As Far As The Eye Can See) 3. Embrace (This New Day) 4. Beck (The Information) 5. Jon Auer (Songs From The Year Of Our Demise) 6. Wired All Wrong (Break Out The Battle Tapes) 7. Thom Yorke (The Eraser) 8. Silversun Pickups (Carnavas) 9. The Roots (Game Theory) 10. Chris Whitley (Reiter In) 11. The Black Angels (Passover) 12. Malajube (Trompe-L'oeuil) 13. My Brightest Diamond (Bring Me The Workhorse) 14. Placebo (Meds) 15. Muse (Black Holes And Revelations) 16. Amusement Parks On Fire (Out Of The Angeles) 17. Lily Allen (Alright, Still) 18. Camera Obscura (Lets Get Out Of This Country) 19. Sissy (All Under) 20. Veruca Salt (IV) Runner-Ups: 120 Days (120 Days) Band Of Horses (Everything All The Time) Darker My Love (Darker My Love) Deftones (Saturday Night Wrist) Deluca, Rocco & The Burden (I Trust You To Kill Me) Guillemots (Through The Window Pane) Lapointe, Pierre (La Forêt Des Mal-Aimés) L.E.O. (Alpacas Orgling) Mellowdrone (Box) Rainer Maria (Catastrophe Keeps Us Together) Skye (Mind How You Go) Spektor, Regina (Begin To Hope) Snow Patrol (Eyes Open) Tigs (Cut With Wire) Working For A Nuclear Free City (Working For A Nuclear Free City) EPs: Black Keys, The (Chulahoma) Fields (7 From The Village) Life And Times, The (The Magician) Two Hours Traffic (Isolator) 2005 releases bought this year and enjoyed: 88, The (Over And Over) Figurines (Skeleton) Hatori, Miho (Ecdysis) Life And Times, The (Suburban Hymns) Mew (And The Glass Handed Kites) Millionaire (Paradisiac) Sounds Like Sunset (Invisible) I played 12 tracks from albums on my list on me show this week if you wanna sample those out: And there's a link to a year-end 20 song compilation aswell. Bonne année. IJ.