Michael Curry wrote: >>4) Suck Me Off - Forty-Five is the New Nine<< >Now that's a name for a band. Imagine explaining that one to your grandparents.< LOL. Actually, S.M.O. are some friends of mine who are still considering a "real" band name...this album is basically a pre-release that I got my hands on and very much enjoyed. Perhaps your grandparents might enjoy my #14 pick: >>14) Tranny Grandma – Smudged and Smoldering<< *g* kErrY www.myspace.com/kompost www.myspace.com/ryookumotoscodered www.myspace.com/theendlessenigma www.myspace.com/abelincolnstory __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com