The Dixon is another winner, following a great album called The Invisible Man. "Girlfriend" is a hot play on Pure Pop radio; the rest of the album is just as good. The Foster disc is a clear winner, too, with some incredible songs, such as The Summer of the Son of Sam. Great stuff. There are so many great albums out there--it's hard to include them all on a list, which is why I don't make them as a general rule. I used to, but then I'd regret I didn't include something. Better to not have to live with the guilt, I guess. Alan ---- Sam Smith wrote: > Hi. Really enjoying the lists, as always, and as always, in utter dismay > at the number of highly regarded bands I haven't heard yet. Clearly I > need more money to buy discs and more spare time to listen to them. > > Reading everybody's 2006 takes has brought me back around to a question I > have wondered about, but never asked. I know from experience that most of > what I buy in a year will be reflected in my year-end list, mainly > because I tend to sample pretty thoroughly before I buy. So it's unusual > for me to buy something and then conclude that it sucks. Ergo, if you > like a CD and it's not on my list, that may well mean that I just haven't > heard it yet. > > I'm wondering if this is how it is with the rest of you. Let me ask a for > instance question. Take a disc like Don Dixon's THE ENTIRE COMBUSTIBLE > WORLD IN ONE SMALL ROOM or last year's Jeffrey Dean Foster disc. The > Dixon is on my 2006 list and I have seen it on one or two others, and I > may have been the only one here to lodge a vote for Foster last year. > Now, I'm wondering how anybody could hear these records without > respecting them enough to put them on their lists (just like a lot of you > would look at my list and wonder why certain things were omitted). My > guess is that very few people heard them, though. So their absence is a > reflection of "not hearing" rather than "not liking." > > But I may be wrong. Not that we have to be talking about this disc, even, > but I wonder if people here are leaving a lot that they hear off their > lists, or if they're doing a lot of evaluation prior to acquisition so > that most of what they buy IS here. > > And as a side note, did anybody listen to the Dixon (or Foster) and > decide that they weren't worthy? > -- > > _______________________ > > Sam Smith > > [TABLE NOT SHOWN]