If you're not an audiophile, go get an eMusic subscription right away; many of the albums being recommended are available there for as little as 27 cents a song. Everything (well, almost) is encoded at hi-quality VBR MP3s, so the sound is execellent. Once you subscribe, make sure you go to Steve Fs excellent Absolute Powerpop blog (http://www.absolutepowerpop.blogspot.com/) where you'll find lists of great powerpop available on eMu for the past three years. And you should also check half.com, etc. as you can find lots of these super cheap; the shipping may cost you more than the CDs. Oh, and here's a few I haven't seen listed yet: P. Hux - Deluxe Wes Cunningham - Pollyanna Jon Brion - Meaningless Teenage Fanclub - Songs From Northern England The Orange Peels - So Far The Mayflies USA - Summertown / The Pity List The Bigger Lovers - How I Learned to Stop Worrying The Churchills - You Are Here / Big Ideas mattcatradman wrote: Great suggestions, so far...here are some more: Gigolo Aunts- Minor Chords and Major Themes Cliff Hillis- Better Living Through Compression Icecream Hands- Memory Lane Traffic Jam Velvet Crush- Free Expression Betty Drake- Grape or Red Happy New Year to All, Matt np: Groundswell's Supersweet- awesome disc I recently picked up from Not Lame...could be a late contender for tops of 2006. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com