Formerly Cowboy and Spin Girl, also formerly Toothpaste 2000. With Mas Rapido, they are now officially on their third utterly crap name! However, this is the best album these two (Donna Esposito and Frank Bednash) have ever done, with some truly excellent songs given their best-ever production. However, it suffers from the very same problem all of their previous records have: Donna is an amazing singer and Frank...isn't. All of their records alternate between the two, and always, Donna's songs kick Frank's songs to the curb. He does acquit himself nicely with "Emily Lloyd," though. Anyway, as Michael says, this album isn't actually coming out until February, so it's not really eligible for this year's lists. S ----- Original Message ----- From: "Christopher Kouzes" To: Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 5:01 PM Subject: Mas Rapido OK, who's got the story on these guys (actually men and woman)? I just got copy of their CD "Pity Party" on Parasol and I'll be damned if it's not catchy as hell. The songs with the female vocals sound a little Lush-ish (vocally that is), but in a completely pop setting. I'll be spinning this quiet a bit over the next several days to see if it'll crack my Top 10. Very nice... Chris