We have a very attractive new incentive to announce for folks making donations to save This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio's webcast, a webcast which is now scheduled to terminate around January 15th. Let's get to that right now: First, Jeremy Morris has promised to send (ahem) FIFTEEN free CDs from his nonpareil JAM Recordings pop label to anyone who donates $100 or more to the cause. 15 CDs for $100? Well, that'd be a great deal under pretty much any circumstances. But the 15 discs are, in fact, your free gift as a thank-you for helping to keep Syracuse Community Radio and This Is Rock 'n' Roll Radio webcasting. This is a terrific incentive, and we can't thank Jeremy enough. We are also stacking up a big ol' grab bag of additional promo CDs for donors, including some great stuff from Marty Rudnick, Steve Barton, The Len Price 3, Jim Babjak's Buzzed Meg and some more great releases from Not Lame, with probably still more yet to come. Here's a run down of our thank-you incentives: Anyone who makes a contribution in any amount will receive three new JAM CDs, from Jeremy, Phil Angotti and Ed James. A donation of $20 or more gets you the above JAM CDs, plus an exclusive homemade CD-R of cool obscurities from my collection, AND at least one additional CD from the grab bag. A donation of $50 or more gets you the three JAM CDs and the CD-R, plus both volumes of the ultracool Hi-Fi Christmas Party compilation CDs AND at least three CDs from the grab bag. A donation of $100 or more gets you the 15 JAM Recordings CDs, the Hi-Fi Christmas Party CDs, the CD-R AND at least six CDs from the grab bag. All donations are 100% TAX-DEDUCTIBLE, so let 'er rip. Checks should be made out to Syracuse Community Radio, and you should note on the check that it is a "Targeted Donation: Webcast." Please send checks directly to me: Carl Cafarelli, 5540 Taormina Drive, Clay, NY 13041. Contact me if you wanna use PayPal instead, and we'll work out the details. Please note again that if we fail in our bid to save the webcast, all of these checks will be returned to you, uncashed--it wouldn't be fair to you for the station to kill the webcast and then take your money anyway. The initial response to our plight has been encouraging, even touching. But we have a long way to go to save this webcast, and we have to do it before the station meeting on January 7th. In fact, I know there are some at Syracuse Community Radio who think the webcast is already a dead issue; they are premature in their presumption, and they will be proven wrong. I'll leave you with this, a note which arrived today (with a check, God love 'im) from our former colleague Eric Strattman: "Maybe it's the holiday season, but I have this vision of you walking into the SCR board meeting with a basket full of money saying, 'It's a miracle, a miracle!,' just like Uncle Billy [in the film It's A Wonderful Life]. Because just like George Bailey's old broken down Savings & Loan, Syracuse and the world would not be the same without THIS IS ROCK 'N' ROLL RADIO and Syracuse Community Radio." And he references my favorite movie, too! So let's get set to ring some bells and hand out some wings to all you angels out there. Cheers, CC!