I used to own a video compilation that had the video clip of Life After Stacy on it. It definitely was one of the best videos on the compilation. I gave it to a list member who managed one of the other bands on it but had never seen their finished video. -------------- Original message ---------------------- From: Michael Coxe > ...and the The Tower Of Light Beer Rhythm Section. I > stumbled upon the album photo with the band decked out in > late-80's hair & bad couture. > > http://www.heavyharmonies.com/cdcovers/P/PAULPOPE_H.JPG > > This while researching the voices of "Rudolph The Red Nose > Reindeer" -- go figure. > > But enough about fashion. I'm curious - what's "Here" sound > like? + the etc. of course. > > - Yukon Cornelius aka Larry D. Mann