An update to our previous groveling-for-dollars: Dan Pavelich has kindly offered to send copies of his essential Christmas CDs, Hi Fi Christmas Paty, Volumes 1 and 2, to anyone who donates $50 or more to save THIS IS ROCK 'N' ROLL RADIO's webcast. Since the Hi-Fi Christmas Party discs are themselves for charity (to benefit the fight against Von Willibrand's Disease, a rare blood disorder that afflicts Dan's daughter Mari), and since they are furthermore incredibly cool Yule pop discs, jammed with great stuff from the likes of Bill Llooyd, The Spongetones, The Lolas, Jim Babjak's Buzzed Meg, Dom Mariani, The Elvis Brothers, Joey Molland, The Grip Weeds, The Dipsomaniacs and Dan's band The Bradburys (among many other fine acts), this is an uynbelievable generous offer. Plus you still get the CD-R I'm making for anyone who donates $20 or more, and you move off of Santa's naughty list for the time being. Thanks, Dan! Cheers, CC!