Holy mother of god. Who's heard the Nice Boys album? Self-titled album, out now on Birdman. It's the new band featuring Terry Six, the sole surviving member of the Exploding Hearts, and god bless them, but as good as their album was, this is about ten times better. I may even go so far as to call this the best pure power pop album released so far this millennium, possibly since Cotton Mather's KON-TIKI. There, I said it. Seriously, if you were on Audities circa 1996-97, this is pretty much *exactly* what we were all looking for then. Remember all of those slightly irritating, navel-gazing threads from back in the day about "Well, what *is* power pop exactly?" We don't need to have those anymore. Because...here. This is it. Just go here: http://www.myspace.com/niceboys And if you're only going to listen to one, listen to "Johnny Guitar." Although while you're there, you should also immediately download the non-LP single "You Won't See Me Anymore," which is fantastic. Although the album art is kind of explicitly mid-'70s, the songs themselves sound much more like the UK power poppers from later in the decade, specifically the Records, the Motors, the Radio Stars, the Yachts, that whole lot. Pretty much none of the punky side of the Exploding Hearts, but there's that same kind of freshness: this is definitely a record from 2006. The only way this won't be near the top of Mike Bennett's poll is if not enough people hear this by the end of January. Honestly, it's pretty much the canonical Audities record. S