Agreed on both lala and Lefsetz. Lala is at worst an interesting attempt to create a secondary market for music, and well, yeah, they're in it to make money, but capitalism ain't my fault. A shame they started selling new dics, as the swapping model obviously hasn't caught on as much, or as quicky, as hoped. As for Lefsetz, the guy likes the sound of his own voice far too much for me to give much creedence to anything he says. He falls into the hundred monkeys typing Hamlet category for me. Holmes Online wrote: >>So read the longwinded Lefsetz here: Typical jumping to conclusions over-huffed hyperbole rant. Sorry, JTCOHHR is a horrible acronym but you get my drift.. I've been on lala since April. I've traded a lot of CDs I don't want and gotten a ton I did want for a minimal cost. They bought a radio station that I don't listen to. They offer a lot of CDs new that I don't buy. I fail to see how wanting to get a CD and then having two more low cost options is the end of the universe. I'm not forced or tricked into anything on lala like I'm not forced or tricked onto anything on Amazon or in a store. Oh, that's right, I remember - Lefsetz says the CD is dead. That dead horse gets flogged so often by him that I forgot. My bad. Frankly, I think the guy occasionally writes an interesting piece about rediscovering a song. But more often it's Chicken Little redux or infantile rants (the guy deserves to DIE? Scientology?) or blatant product plugs or schmooze tales. I've never met the guy, so who knows what he's really like - how much is genuine passion and how much is desperatately wanting to be as famous as the company he covets. Your mileage may vary. b --------------------------------- Any questions? Get answers on any topic at Yahoo! Answers. Try it now.