Went to see the former Cosmic Rough Rider last night in a new venue in a renovated church here in Glasgow and he was on top form. Backed up by Jim McCulloch (Superstar/BMX Bandits/Soup Dragons) and Neil Sturgeon on acoustic guitars they ran through a 22 song set filled with CRR classics, revamped solo stuff and choice covers. As well as covering REM's "The One I Love" he opted for Ringo's "Photograph" over doing any Beatles songs. "Everybody does Beatles covers" he said. It was great to hear the CRR songs in their stripped back form and he said he plans to do more gigs like this in future... As some of you may know Daniel set up his own label (Neon Tetra) and he's got some cracking bands on his roster. My faves are Jim McCulloch's group the Green Peppers and the afore-mentioned Neil Sturgeon's combo The Golden Hour. Check out the following sites to see what I mean... www.myspace.com/danielwylie www.myspace.com/neontetrarecords www.myspace.com/thegoldenhour www.myspace.com/jimmcculloch Cheers, Brian