Hello Auditeers...yeah, I know I'm posting this crap again. Sorry, it's part of my job when an album comes out. This'll be the last one for a bit. We just started taking orders on the Adam Marsland's Chaos Band/Alan Boyd LONG PROMISED ROAD: SONGS OF DENNIS AND CARL WILSON LIVE at our myspace page ( www.myspace.com/adammarsland) and at our online store at www.adammarsland.com. Orders placed before Dec. 15th will arrive by Christmas, and we also have a neat twofer deal in place -- check the website for more details. We hope to start shipping the CDs out next Thursday on a first come, first served basis. I'm undergoing knee surgery on Friday so that may delay some of the shipping after that for a few days, so another reason to order early (and often!). We already have gotten a ton of orders on the album...we are very excited! Later today we will be posting the final preview mp3 from the album: our version of "Forever." Come have a listen! Evie sings lead and it's way cool. Also, our myspace page hit 40,000 plays yesterday, a lot of that due to the interest of folks here. As Carl would say, thank you very, very, very, very, VERY much. The thing sounds great. We can't wait to have people hear it. E-mail with any questions and thanks to the board for its patience. adam marsland www.myspace.com/adammarsland