wrote: >but I think Neal Adams had something on his site about the fact that Cockrum was ill and having trouble making ends meet while Marvel was >making millions off his co-creations. Adams also championed for a couple of kids from Ohio who created some silly little character a while ago who wore his >red undies outside of his blue long johns.. > Dave Cockrum had been ill for several years. In that time, the X-MEN movie franchise brought a lot of dough into Marvel's coffers. Since Dave's work for Marvel was all "for hire" rather than creator owned, Marvel didn't legally have to give him anything else, but they wound up doing the right thing by paying Dave some amount to cover his medical expenses and basic living expenses. The Siegel and Shuster thing goes on to this day. There are continuing battles for Jo Anne Siegel (Jerry's near 90 year-old widow) to regain the rights to Superman, but it looks like only the lawyers are winning in that battle (though I've heard she was offered some $150 million for a settlement, she is apparently trying for the whole enchilada). Joe Field