Quoting zoogang@cox.net: > The headline on CNN was, I thought, in really bad taste: > > "X-Men illustrator dies in Superman pajamas." > > And the lead for the story was even worse: > > COLUMBIA, South Carolina (AP) -- Wearing Superman pajamas and covered with > his Batman blanket, comic book illustrator Dave Cockrum died Sunday. USA Today also mentioned that he was going to be cremated in a Green Lantern T shirt. Hey...so he was a fan of the field that he worked in. I haven't read it in a while, but I think Neal Adams had something on his site about the fact that Cockrum was ill and having trouble making ends meet while Marvel was making millions off his co-creations. Adams also championed for a couple of kids from Ohio who created some silly little character a while ago who wore his red undies outside of his blue long johns... Greg, who has Neal's autograph on my fave X-Men panel...