" Subject: Little Steven tour - YOWSA!" I got to see this show this past Friday in Cleveland Your review was spot on. The Charms were great, Chesterfield Kings Rocked & Supersuckers were funny and tight. NY Dolls sounded great. For $20.00 this was a great Show. Go see it, you won't be dissapointed. I went only to see the Dolls and besides Supersuckers didn't know the other 2 bands and came out as a fan of all the bands. Cucumbers, I saw them back in the late 80's when all I cared about was hair metal and I was very impressed and they were nice people. They gave me their album with "My Boyfriend" on it. which reminds me I just moved and put most of my LP's in storage. I'll have to go grab that on out. Christmas Songs--***Shameless Plug alert*** I like The Vague's Happy Holidays 2 U that we released a couple of years ago. I remember being really happy ith the Beach Boys inspired break in the middle. it should be back on ouy MySpace page soon for free downloads. 5 CD's in a JukeBox T-Rex-"Electric Warrior" New York Dolls-"In Too Much Too Soon" The Cucumbers-"The Cucumbers" The Vague-"Divorcing The Shame" Butch Walker-"Letters" Chuck Oney The Vague www.thevague.com n/p "Wake Uop Screaming"-Paul Stanley --------------------------------- Sponsored Link Mortgage rates near 39yr lows. $510,000 Mortgage for $1,698/mo - Calculate new house payment