----- Original Message ----- From: "Lee Elliott" > You mentioned 'adapted' Ikea bookshelves - not sure what you are > using, but I switched to Ikea Billy 80 High, with 2 extra shelves > and > the cd divider inserts, I think it looks pretty good. Not too bad > for > shifting over, room for your finger, keeps the dust off. I did two > walls with the corner thing, I like it - just happened to fit almost > perfect which was a bonus. I was going to suggest the Ikea Billy myself: I haven't made the switchover myself yet because I need to do a fairly major overhaul of the entire office first (which may involve moving it into an entirely different room of the house), but this is my plan. The Billy system is *very* modular, you shouldn't have any trouble finding the exact right setup for you...provided you have an Ikea within a reasonable driving distance, anyway. Going off to the Ikea down in Stoughton for new dining chairs tonight, coincidentally... S