Wasn't it Barry Gibb who said he got the idea for the beat in either Staying ALive or Nights on Broadway from the sound the car tires made crossing the Brooklyn Bridge? you can find music almost anywhere. michael --- "John L. Micek" wrote: > >I'm worse - I not only hear rhythms in windshield wipers (love the new VW > >commercial with John Mayer, btw), rainstorms and even power tools/machinery > >(desktop inkjet printers are very good for this) I can sometimes hear > >lyrics. Although with machinery it's usually repetitive chants - > >onomotapia. > >Many of you have met me and know I'm nuts, so this should convince the rest > >of you. > > Guess that makes me certifiable as well. I hear rhythms in machines, and > always smile > at the alarum issued by my neighborhood ATM machine. > > jlm > > > ____________________________________________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta. http://new.mail.yahoo.com