Michael Bennett wrote: > Josh made an insightful comment about, if I'm summing it up correctly, > it might be better not to know about the artist's background at all. > It made me think about a review of the new Sparks album where the > writer commented how the Mael brothers have kept their personal lives > so under wraps that you have to focus solely on their music. Thus, > the only context for the music is the music. > I think it's up to the artist how much of him is revealed, for better or for worse, through his art. In the case of someone like Bono, his politics are obviously very important to him. As a person, he grates on me, but it doesn't stop me from listening to U2 on the odd occasion. I used to think Sting was the most pretentious man in music, but I could put that aside and enjoy his music. Woody Allen, on the other hand, well, after the whole thing with Soon Yi reared its ugly head, and Woody said, in a press conference, that the heart wants what the heart wants, I couldn't watch a movie of his without cringing. It took many years before I could once again enjoy his films--the old ones, I mean. Alan http://www.purepopradio.com http://www.buhdge.com