<< Which in turn reminds me...I have this album of Beach Boys knockoffs done by a group called The Surfsiders. It is hi-larious. It's as if they were given a few hours to record these tracks, and only had time to listen to the original version once. If you got the chords or melody wrong...no problem! It is the 'Plan 9 From Outer Space' of records. >> y'know, Until just now, I'd completely forgotten I actually owned this album..... Damn you, Marty !! ;-) of course, There were also absolute slews of faux-Beatle elpees flooding the racks in the immediate wake of Capitol (S)T-2047 .....some anonymously featuring people like Lou Reed even. Most are fluff, of course; Some, however, contain original filler tracks which are through-and-through, down 'n' durty garage-pop CLASSICS (eg: B. Brock and the Sultans' "Do The Beetle" album !!!!!) now, I think it high time all us guitar-bearing Auditeers get (virtually) together to record a buncha quickie cover versions of all our fave P-Pop tracks, both old and new, whaddaya say? I bet "This Is R'n'R Radio" (for one) would probably more than gladly air these even, Gary "NP: Magical Mystery Tour ....MONO, of course" Pig ________________________________________________________________________ Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- 2 GB of storage and industry-leading spam and email virus protection.