From the 10/26/06 Tulsa World: Dwight Twilley releases CD recorded at local club Dwight Twilley has a lot of material hitting the market this year. First, there's a disc containing two re-released solo albums -- 1982's "Scuba Divers" and 1979's "Twilley" -- and there's a new live CD taken from two nights last year at the Venue in Tulsa. The CD, called "Dwight Twilley Live All Access," took about a year to produce. The 18 songs have an upcoming DVD of the performance, Twilley said. "It's the first live album I've done," he said. "So it's not only unique because it's a live album, but it's also kind of a career retrospective so a lot of the fans are going to hear virtually songs from almost every album, and a lot of the songs that I normally wouldn't perform live we did, which was a lot of fun." The CD, released through Digital Music Group, shows that his sound hasn't changed in more than 30 years. He plays classics like "Why You Wanna Break My Heart," as well as the hits "I'm On Fire" and "Girls." Twilley selected the best performances from the two nights' of shows. The songs capture Twilley's energy, wit and the multi-instrumentalism that made hits out of his guitar-driven rock and roll in the 1970s and 1980s. "Why You Wanna Break My Heart" is one of the strongest performances on the CD, showcasing Twilley's stunning duet with backing vocalist Susan Cowsill . "It was particularly helpful having Susan here. It was just a gas," Twilley said. Instead of charging admission to the shows on Aug. 29-30, Twilley took up donations for Washington, D.C.,-based Children's Rights Council. The nonprofit organization works to keep children in contact with their parents regardless of their parents' marital state, the group's Web site states. Twilley's backing band included former Brian Parton and the Nashville Rebels members, bassist Dave White and drummer Bill Padgett. Tulsa Sound musician Larry Bell plays piano on "Cryin' Over Me." Shortly after the performances, Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, destroying Cowsill's home and killing her brother, Barry Cowsill. Twilley dedicated the album to his memory. Twilley said he's planning a show in December to mark the DVD's release. Fans can buy the live CD through his Web site, The re-released solo albums can be found at, and __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around