----- Original Message ----- From: "floatingunder" > Hey Stewart, > Sounds like you caught them live a bit before I did. My question is > what was Stipe like live. Like probably others on this list I was > very > into REM early on but I did start with Murmer. I was in Madison, WI > from 83 to 85. I first saw REM at an outdoor show in Milwaukee...I > think it's called Summerfest. Anyway, I was very excited to see them > and it was great fun. But the hair to nearly his waist Stipe had his > back to the audience most of the time, with hand to one ear to make > sure he had JUST the right vocals and even layed on the stage at one > point. OK, even through my biased excitement I thought this was a > bit > much. So, I believe less then a year later they played in Madison. > The > long hair was gone and so to was the sullen, "artist" persona. He > was > jumping around like a mad man and really playing up the showmanship. > It > was a lot to get my head around at the time. > So just wondering, which version did you get? Not really either, actually. Do you remember the video for "South Central Rain"? Where he just stands in one place clutching his headphones with his eyes shut? Basically, he did that for about 45 minutes, while Pete Buck bounced on the balls of his feet and did the occasional scissor kick. Not sullen artist so much as obvious stage fright. Even though it wasn't even half full for their set, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Red Rocks was the biggest place they had ever played up to that point: that place is pretty huge. S