Hi Alan, Same here. I nodded out watching Ravi Shankar in '74, but was enthralled by the Indian segment in the Concert for George performance. BTW, The Concert for George definitely in my desert island DVD collection. Astonishing...glorious in 5.1 surround sound. Marty zoogang@cox.net wrote: >I saw that tour at Madison Square Garden, Marty. A very dissapointing night...just hugely dissapointing. > >First off, Harrison was sooooooo hoarse. And when he stopped singing the words to "My Sweet Lord" and asked the crowd, "Is anybody into Christ?", he really lost an already lost audience. > >Second, the opening set by Ravi Shankar and family and friends was punishing, to say the least. At that point in my life (sophomore in college), an hour of Shankar was way,way over my head. Seems the crowd agreed, because I remember a lot of people taking the cue to visit the refreshment stands and the bathrooms. Also, Harrison's insistence on introducing every single person (there were a whole lot of musicians) in Shankar's band was trying, to say the least. > >After the rush to the exits, I took a nap as Shankar played. Not that I would today, mind you. I thought that opening bit at the Concert for George was just tremendously exciting. > >Alan >---- Marty Rudnick wrote: > > >>Hi Steve, >> >>The tour was the "Dark Horse" tour, in support of the album, but got >>nicknamed for obvious reasons. I think I first heard it referred to as >>such in Rolling Stone or something, hard to remember. By the time the >>tour got to San Francisco, his voice was just gone...he sounded >>terrible. I was really pumped because it was my first concert ever >>seeing a Beatle...and it was a huge dissapointment. >> >>Marty >>