Hey everybody. I know I've been posting a lot here lately, but Veronica and I are looking at launching a companion podcast to go along with our online radio show, most likely featuring just a handful of the best songs from each episode (or maybe different songs from the same bands). We're planning on getting permission from the bands we use, so it will most likely just be local bands that we know (or communicate with via myspace, etc). I just had a few questions for those of you who regularly download and/or subscribe to podcasts online.. - how often do you like to see a new podcast.. is once a week too often? - what is a good length for each one .. we were considering anywhere from 1 (a song of the week) to 4 or 5 songs in each installment - do you like to hear discussion of the songs being featured, or would you rather just have the music. Thanks in advance.. you can reply privately if you like.. We also need a name for the show if you have any suggestions .. And if you're in a band that wouldn't mind your songs getting a bit of extra exposure, feel free to let me know that too :) .. Arthur Bang thepickle.net